Taking on an entrepreneurial spirit and making an online design business a reality is a challenge. With so many design professionals and technical upgrades out there, competition is paramount. But how you choose to forge ahead and create an ink spot of your own is not as difficult as it may appear. Here are some tips on how The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design began.
Get out there….
Utilizing the web was the first step at bringing my online business, The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design to fruition. Blogging, building a website, and most important – offering customized ink works and building a product line to present to buyers, vendors and customers online and off is key.
Become an expert in the field….
Reading Just Creative Blog is part of my expertise development. Yes, brown nosing is too! Reading, reading and reading some more… keep up to date on what’s going on in the technical arena as well as industry trends. Socialize with like business owners and swap idea’s. Attend local shops and shows (like…The National Stationery show at the Javits Center in NY!)
Fly around the world wide web….
Regular, social networking is easy and fun to do. So I fly into social networks such as Myspace, LinkedIn, Ryze, and other online venues. It is here that networking with entrepreneurs and others got the word out about The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design business. Now, my ink spot is in the works! The Merry Bird is recognized in some circles and is beyond the “unknown business” realm.
Find target markets….
Customers are everywhere, but the ones that are drawn to The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design are those that like something “real”, nostalgic or customized. Mothers to be, Brides, and women between the ages of 25-50.
Ask for referrals…
Once business is in flight, I always ask my customer for a referral. This definitely opens opportunity to propel into a new custom job.
The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design has been an online business for two years and I can officially say I have an ink spot of my own! How about you?
Kristine Sheehan
The Merry Bird…pen, ink and design