Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summers End: A New Beginning

It’s an exciting time as August brings people home from vacation and summer camps to a close. The thought of the children’s new school books sitting on the kitchen counter brings a smile. Most online businesses know that online business picks up in September as more people afford the time online, so for the next two months brides, arts and guest writers will be flying around the The Merry Bird blog to inspire what’s to come in the New Year. If you have something related to arts, event planning, stationery or design and you’d like to share, fly in and let’s chat!

As for the next big adventure, The Merry Bird will be offline at the Trumbull Arts Festival, on September 14th, 2008. I’ve been “cleaning house” and preparing for the festival these past couple of months. So the final touches are in the works for the September rush. I will be offering, a new holiday tag line, note cards, invitations, event invitation planning, as well as logo design for small businesses. Yes, all this to be presented to the screaming crowd at the long awaited juried festival. I’ll take photos of the day to share with you, so be sure to fly back in to
to check it all out! I’ll be taking notes on the in’s and out’s of festival etiquette, as this is my first major festival. I will also post an article here this September to help new festival comers out.

As for today, you can find new advertisements and offers on Just take a look at the side bar to the right and explore the exciting offers!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fitness Tips for the Bride or Bridal party

3 Stunningly Simple Ways to Flatten your Belly — without Crunches
By Carol Dunlop

If you pick up any magazine or turn on any fitness show right now, chances are they are telling you how to flatten your belly. This is actually the first question I get from women of all ages, where ever I go, “How do I get rid of this pooch?” You will be glad to know that you can achieve a flatter tummy by following these three simple steps.

Do More Cardio

Cardio (which is short for cardiovascular training) has long been recommended as the preferred means of burning fat. Women really underestimate the powerful fat-burning effects that cardio has on their workouts. Whether you ride a bike, jump rope, glide on the elliptical trainer or shoot some hoops, cardio is essential to allowing your body to burn excess fat.
While you are performing any of the above or similar activities, you are causing your body to work harder to keep blood pumping. All that pumping requires extra energy for your cells, heart, lungs and circulatory system to keep up. So, where does your body get this energy? It comes from stored, excess fat.
Just think of that run or fast walk as a way of trimming your tummy, thighs and tush, bit by bit.

Get to the Core

Your core is comprised of your upper and lower abdominal muscles, obliques; muscles that run vertically on your sides and the muscles of your lower back. Together, these muscles form the girdle that protects your internal organs and gives you the strength and support your body requires. In order to perform everyday tasks such as standing, walking upright, tossing a ball and vacuuming or sweeping, you need a strong core. If your core isn’t strong, your entire body is weak and won’t perform properly during daily activities.

Core exercises can be as simple as tossing a weighted ball from side to side while standing. Core muscles are also engaged when you perform a plank move, your body is extended and you are resting only on your elbows and tippy toes. A more advanced core move is a full, bent knee sit-up, with no one holding your ankles.

Eat Less Carbs

There’s that word again, carbs! It strikes fear in the hearts of many. There is so much information about carbs or carbohydrates, that when you hear the word, people just cringe.
No need to worry, carbs are good for you, they give you energy and keep you feeling satisfied long after you eat. The bad news is many women eat too much of the wrong type of carbs. I am referring to carbs that are made up of ingredients such as refined sugar, white flour and white rice. These carbs have all been stripped of their nutrients and processed right out of the “health-o-meter.” Your best bet are complex carbs which are made from whole grains and have the hull intact. An example of complex carbs are brown rice, sweet potatoes and whole wheat breads.
Your body needs a certain amount of carbs in your diet to regulate blood sugar, aid in digestion and keep you feeling full and satisfied longer, so those annoying hunger pains don’t come back so quickly. Whole grains also provide much needed fiber and nutrients to your body.

By incorporating these simple tips into your weight management regimen, you can be certain that you will look and feel great and not have to worry about the belly bulge.
Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” log on to

Friday, August 08, 2008

Working to design Clever Solutions Coaching logo was a dream! Let's say my "clever" intelect was challenged! How does one visualize clever? Hmmmm....mentally quick and original, bright!

With the coaching vision of Holly Amarandei, Clever Solutions Coach, I came up with a design that fit those three descriptive words, mentally quick, original and bright. Holly's preference in colors for the logo (above) represent wellness, business and strength
Holly, to say the least is an expressive person that reeks fun! As Clever Solutions Coach, Holly spends her time pushing those with weight, personal life and wellness goals. Her approach to these issues may be unique in that she makes it FUN to take on your goal while deleting the stress from your life! Stop by and take a look at the packages she offers her clients... get moving, its your life and you are worth it!

You can contact Holly by visiting her website

She tells me that her new logo will appear on her website and marketing materials this Fall.

Author: Kristine Sheehan, Designer
The Merry Bird...pen, ink and design