Even though it's March, June brides are flitting about with last minute and not so last minute details for their Big Day. For some June brides, the search for the perfect wedding invitation has begun today.
Usually 3 1/2 months before the wedding day, the invitation order is placed with the stationer. The correct wedding information, names, date, place, fonts and invitation layout are ready to go. The invites will then be printed and ready for postal mail by 6-8 weeks "before" the wedding day mark.
At TheMerryBird.com/wedding.html you won't find invitations that are duplicates of any other out there. I personally create, design or hand draw motifs that make a unique invitation that is all your own!
Spring Love is in the air! (and so are TheMerryBird Designs!)
Kristine Sheehan, info@themerrybird.com
Kristine Sheehan, info@themerrybird.com