Wednesday, December 22, 2010

January is National Thank You Month

So, 2011 just crept in (or is about to) and you just remembered that you have the most incredible customers in the world! Where would you be without them? And, how can you express your gratitude to them from the bottom of your heart?

I have a begin, January 1 thru January 7th is National Thank Your Customer Week. I know there are many people to thank for the prosperous new years past and future, but take the time and send post card, blog about it, tweet it, facebook it, or hand write a thank you and postal mail it (and of course, if you want you can inquire about some of the Designs limited edition fold over notes found in my Etsy shop!)

No better time than the present to smile at your customers and let them know you care! Of course if you have any ideas on how to express gratitude to your customers let me know by leaving a comment!

So what are you waiting for? Thank those awesome customers out there today and especially in JANUARY for NATIONAL THANK YOU MONTH!