What is a Press Release and How Can it Benefit My Home-Based Business?
A lot of home-based business owners don’t fully understand the concept behind press releases, or realize the impact a simple press release can have on their small business. A press release is an announcement, such as a business name change, upcoming event, a special sale, etc., or it can be an account of a news story that is sent to newspapers, newsletter and website publishers, and even local television stations. What are the benefits of press releases?Free publicity. If you send a copy of your press release to your local newspaper, and they decide it’s newsworthy, they may print it in their paper. Or if you get really lucky, they might even contact you to do a more in-depth story. To get your home-based business picked up, target the smaller newspapers because they are more likely to run it. Best of all, this is free advertising!Improve your search engine rankings. The more incoming links you have pointing to your website, the better your rankings will be. If you plan to submit your press release online, always include your website address (with the http://) for the search engines to pick up on, and as a way for readers to visit your website for more information.Spread the news. If you have something special happening with your business, such as a charity event, a new business name, etc.
A press release is a great and easy way to share the news with your current and potential clients or customers. Instead of contacting people individually or doing a mass postal mailing, which can be expensive, add the press release to your website, include it in your email newsletter, post it on your blog, insert a copy in outgoing orders, and even tack them on bulletin boards around your community.Keep your business fresh in the minds of your customers.
Use press releases to remind your customers or clients that you are still in business, whether you are announcing a special event, a new employee, or even a sale, you can send out a press release to get exposure. This gentle reminder may come to them at the perfect time, and they may very well take advantage.
To achieve the best results from your press release, use the correct format to write it. If you don’t know how, you can easily find the information you are looking for online or you can hire someone to write it for you. It’s imperative that you understand the quality of the press release will reflect on your business, so ensure that it is well written.It’s also important that you keep track of the press releases you send out, because doing so will help you comprehend the kind of response you are getting to them. You can do this by setting up a special link or email address that only people who read your press release will know, or offer a discount to the visitors who mention your press release or enter, a special coupon code can also be setup to track who is ordering as a result of your press release.If you are not currently using press releases as a part of your advertising campaign, it’s time to start. It doesn’t matter if your business is small and home-based, you can reap the same benefits as the large businesses.
Article by: This article is brought to you by Writing From Home: Helping work at home moms on a budget improve their website content, traffic, and search engine rankings through unique, high-quality keyword articles, content, product descriptions, copywriting, press releases, and reviews. Visit today for more information, http://www.writingfromhome.com/. As seen in the Wahm Team Ezine, http://www.wahmteam.com/.
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