Take a peek at some fun faces! Type faces that is!
Big Fonts - Sometimes “the standard” just isn’t good enough. Type designers understand that graphic communicators often want more choice of characters than the standard font set contains.
It's About Legibility - Typographic clarity comes in two flavors: legibility and readability. What’s the difference?
Scripts: A Type Of Passion - Most typefaces, however beautiful or well-drawn, add merely the subtlest nuance to the words they compose. Scripts, on the other hand, bring something dramatic to typeset copy.
TDC Medal Awarded to Type Designer Colin Brignall
Typefaces For The Web - Learn about the three rules when selecting typefaces for the web: 1) think simple; 2) big is better; 3) sans are safe.
WGL Fonts- WGL fonts contain a pan-European character set that supports Western, Central and Eastern European languages.
It's About Legibility - Typographic clarity comes in two flavors: legibility and readability. What’s the difference?
Scripts: A Type Of Passion - Most typefaces, however beautiful or well-drawn, add merely the subtlest nuance to the words they compose. Scripts, on the other hand, bring something dramatic to typeset copy.
TDC Medal Awarded to Type Designer Colin Brignall
Typefaces For The Web - Learn about the three rules when selecting typefaces for the web: 1) think simple; 2) big is better; 3) sans are safe.
WGL Fonts- WGL fonts contain a pan-European character set that supports Western, Central and Eastern European languages.
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