Friday, May 18, 2007

How to grow your business when you don’t play golf.

By Cynthia Renee Frazier

There is hardly a week gone by that someone hasn’t asked me “do you play golf?” That’s because all of the buzz in today’s business environment is about the abundance of big money deals taking place with the swing of an iron on the green. Indeed Women Business Owners (WBO) who dread the thought of an early morning tee time will be pleased to discover that the buzz may be overrated. Certainly, many WBOs have taken to golf and experienced business growth. However, it is a misnomer that investing in a bag of clubs and becoming one of a foursome on the golf course means an easy sale. In fact, playing golf is like any other networking situation. You must first build relationships, and then give before you can expect to see results. What playing golf with a potential client or person of influence does is provides an opportunity to determine whether you want to exchange business. In addition, playing golf creates an environment whereby you get to demonstrate your worthiness as a business owner. Moreover, you can learn each other’s personality – how you deal with conflict, how you handle disappointment, what are your ethics, are you reliable, etc.

But what if you have no interest in learning to play golf? WBOs all over the world take advantage of B2B networking by joining organizations and membership groups to get to the next level. Just like playing golf though, don’t expect to make a sale on your first introduction. Take your time and demonstrate your value. Get to know people and let them get to know you. Build a relationship, and have a clear message of what you can do for your clients and their needs. Establish your worthiness as an expert in your field, and by all means, be prepared to assist others. Be consistent and have fun. Over time, you will find yourself at the center of referrals, sales, and phenomenal business growth.

Cynthia Renee Frazier is the Author of 101+ Proven Growth Strategies for Small Business Entrepreneurs, and proud sponsor of Walk the Walk for Financial Freedom Visit her blog to learn more about business growth strategies. Share your growth dilemmas at

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