Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Unique Artist Novel

Flying around on the web I came across this site that featured an artist book that traveled many a mile before it's completion. What was so cool about it is that a group of artists created this book in a unique manner. They never met one another and only mailed the book with their completed creative pages to the next artist on the list. Each artist had it in their possession for one week, made creative page contributions that played off the artist before them and then mailed the book to the next artist and so on until it was completed.

The compilation of pages is an amazing work of art. I love the fact that the book traveled from country to country, city to city and artist to artist. Unique styles made an amazing book and exhibition.

Yes, even an exhibition! I'd love to add art work to a book like this! Any artists want to create an artist mailing list and create another amazing artist novel?

1 comment:

ShellyH said...


That cute hummingbird pic in your side bar would make an excellent tatoo if I must say so myself!