Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Swimming with Logo Design

The vast sea of logo designs found on the web today can be extremely intimidating. Some Logo’s of course are better than others and some just plain Rock!

While researching this ocean of design for inspiration, I realized that comparing logo designs was like comparing sharks to whales. I went surfing the web for logos in which formal training in design could be detected. I hold the logos I found in some galleries in high regard. But, I reminded myself that many logo galleries presented online are “mapped” out to the advantage of the designer. This is a shark pool. Logos are put together for the purpose of learning and displaying expertise. Many logos found in these galleries are made up for a fictitious client, with parameters that fit the designers need and wants. A “real” client logo design would never fit a mold and is often the reason for a design challenge, therefore I see it as the Whale.

Keep swimming.

Coming up for air, I read a great article by Graham Smith, 9 Solid Logo Design Tips for Beginners. Although I’ve been a freelancer for years, his check list for logo design reminded me how to paddle my logo board and catch the next wave with confidence.

The Two Tips that I like best are:

---Be sure the Logo design is flexible and can be printed on big and small mediums. ie. Key chains or a BillBoard.

---Design the logo in Vector format. An Illustrator file makes it easy to increase or reduce the image size with ease. You won’t have to deal with pixellated images later!

Keep pace and follow your instincts. The next wave is rolling in – Catch it! It could be a Whale of a day! :)

Author: Kristine Sheehan
"Your Stationery in Flight"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 Habits That Will Open Your Creative Stream of Consciousness

Being creative isn’t just an innate gift. Although some people and designers have the knack for being open to a creative stream of consciousness, others have to work at opening the flood gates of their creativeness. Believe that having a few good habits produces a good flow of ideas and allows the mind to prosper creatively.

Here are 10 Creative Habits will help you open your stream of creativity. Just apply them in your daily routine – go ahead – give it a try! You can only become more creative!

1.) Curiosity is a natural characteristic in human beings. From the time we are born our minds open and grow through being curious. So whether you are 2 or 92 years old, NEVER STOP BEING CURIOUS!
2.) Hold onto your ideas – you never know which one could be “THE IDEA” you need for life creativity or your next project, so jot ‘em down in a journal!
3.) ACCEPT CHALLENGE with enthusiasm – Every creative knows that all of life’s projects are a challenge, big or small, a challenge connects the neurons in your creative stream of consciousness!
4.) Don’t fall in love with your first idea or any! It most likely has been done before or a client may have a different view about it then you do – be open to many ideas as being the best!
5.) READ, VIEW and LEARN from others! This is a great resource for inspiration.
6.) Listen to music and allow natural energies to flow through you.
7.) Laugh often, ENJOY THE FLUBS of life as those are the gifts that propel fun, curiosity and challenge and sometimes a winning IDEA!
8.) Think about your favorite place to be, your backyard, Europe a tropical island or the local beach. Go there! Breathe and listen to your inner creative.
10.) Being you is the most different and creative thing that can ever happen to your creativity – think about it! There’s only one you.

Go ahead! Get creative!