The Business Week (BW) quoted title above refers to global patent races. USA is coming in last, to Japan, South Korea and China.
Hey Ben! Where the hell did all the "aha-bulbs" go?
Offshore is only part of the answer, taxes are another. Other countries, where research and development takes place have sliced the "tax bread" sort of speak and left USA tax credits in the dust.
Should we have a Tea Party now? Nah! Taxes or not, we have to go with the flow anyway, I'd say get yourself into social networking and GO GLOBAL! It's easy, accessible and there is no better time than now to reach as far as your business can take you.
Ok so, there are still some light bulbs on out here, and what my thought is: all this patent stuff shouldn't keep you down. If anything, it should make an innovator more innovative. So if your big time or small the world is literally your oyster.
Water and electricity don't go together anyway!
Kristine Sheehan
(ref: Business Week 2009)
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