Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pin up!

There are so many new and exciting ways to advertise, market and push your business on the web.

By now you've heard of Pinterest. Yes, please Pin away! Know that "an individual Facebook user is valued at more than $100 and that it takes nearly 8,900 tweets to earn a company $10 - while just 20 pinned items on Pinterest will yield the same amount". -- Website Magazine June 2012

I learned some creative ways to utilize Pinterest for marketing and advertising:

Pin your YouTube videos! That's right, sell your product, service or image via YouTube. Make a video/ commercial and Post. Easily, your video can go VIRAL and open doors for your business!
(TheMerryBird Designs can assist you there if you need!)

Create an Events Pinboard and post upcoming events. That will entice onlooker to want to take part!

Pin your favorite "Cause" to build funds and work with your cause by donating a portion of your sales!

The main idea is get creative on how to communicate on the vast and ever growing web! Attention is key!

Kristine Sheehan Designs

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