Many freelancers must submit proposals to clients to volley for the job. Here’s 6 tips for writing a Kick ass proposal and win the job.
First, always take note about what the client needs. You must show the client you can solve their puzzle and make the job count! Understand their design needs and customize your proposal to prove you are the best person to do the job.
Second, allow the potential client to evaluate your work via web links to past clients or to your portfolio. Target the past works that show you understand where the potential client wants to go.
Third, create your marketing pitch by providing background information about you and your business. Ie. http://www.themerrybird.com , you may have a short bio on your web page or direct the prospective client to a place where then can read about you – http://www.facebook.com/TheMerryBird.Designs
Fourth, quote a fair price or a competitive one. Observe what other designers are charging: Hourly or Fixed? Base your fee on your experience. You may feel like Picasso but look like a recent college grad or you may be a seasoned professional exploring new venues for freelance work.
Fifth, respond to those potential clients in a timely manner. You could lose the deal if you don’t take note of the email/correspondence that potential client sent last week! Check your communication venues regularly. Answer, wait and FOLLOW UP!
Sixth, customize your proposal to each client. By doing so, it will show that you are committed to focusing on the prospective job. You will get noticed!
Ok, you just Kicked Ass at writing a proposal! Good luck!- Kristine Sheehan
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