Monday, March 19, 2012


Timeline. That’s what I used to use to keep myself organized, back in the day…

But today Facebook gave a new meaning to the word timeline. Timeline refers to the new format facebook has migrated it’s personal and business fanpage design. Like it or not, if you have a facebook page you will have the new timeline format to play with. Although the buzz about timeline has been around for months, by the end this month of March, it will be on every facebook page.

At first I wasn’t happy with the change as it created a lot of glitches for business page design. No longer can businesses “fangate” and no longer can designers take on the roll of linking and having fun with subscriber and non-fan page design, (yet). Old pages can still be accessed and viewed by those that are fans, but it limited the way businessescan market themselves. New rules state that businesses cannot use text that “sells” or text that is“call to action”. This rule alone, in my opinion makes it very tricky for smaller businesses to excel.

My new motto is let the images do the talking. (didn’t images always do that?)An oxymoron at best! Check out this very short video for the basic new rules of Timeline.

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