Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today's Meet The Author - Debra Jayne

Glad to speak with you today Debra Jayne!

Hello and I appreciate you asking me.

Please tell us about all about you…as the non- author first then about you as author.

Well, I am retired professionally from social work since 2004. I still volunteer three or four times a month though, and I enjoy working especially with people with disabilities.
As an author, I just got published a year and a half ago and it's a great learning process. I never knew at this age, that I could enjoy web design, graphics and making book trailers. You are never too old to pursue what you love!

How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since I was seven years old. I wrote a story called Ghost and Sabre and sold it for fifteen cents. I was hooked.

What inspires you to write Romance novels? Is that the only genre you write? 

One of my inspirations for my book came to me after a long depression from the break up of my marriage. I found a crooked heart-shaped stone in the grass one day. It reminded me that even though hearts get broken and scarred from loss, that you are still capable of love. Finding the stone renewed my will to go on, and I realized it had a message for anyone recovering from heartbreak.
 I also write science fiction and enjoy that, as well as my favorite, paranormal romance.

How many words per day do you like to write? Is that a daily goal or weekly goal?

I have writing “spurts” which are moments of inspiration where I write for hours or whole days then it slacks off and I do research. I never set word count goals.

What is the name of your first book? How long ago was
It printed?

My first book is called Radiance: Love after Death and it was published a year and a half ago.

Where did you market it and did you have a good sale number? 

My publishing company, XoXo marketed it on their own site, on Amazon, Book Strand, and All Romance E-books. I promote it online in every social venue I can find, like blogs, Facebook,Twitter etc. My book is in e-book form as of now , so it takes a lot of time with a strong online presence. My sales are decent and I think my next releases will do even better, since I know so much more about promotion.

I understand you have a book series. How many books are in the series (or will be in the series when completed)? How did you come to write a series?

There are three books in my series. The second follow up to Radiance: Love after Death is: A Kiss from the Past and will be this year and the third will follow shortly after. Readers hate to loose characters they come to know and enjoy. Also, authors who do series have greater book sales over all.

How do you feel about online book reading? Do you have a book that you’ve written for a digital shelf like i-books or kindle?

Online book reading is great! Yes, I have a kindle book and I think it's wonderful. How awesome to pick out a book and read it instantly. It saves time and money. I love that! Reading became so much easier to do because of electronic reading devices.

Do you think it’s fair to ask buyers to purchase a digital novel for the same amount of $ as a print novel?

I think digital copies should be just as competitive as print copies, because even though you don't have a copy in hand, it was still the same amount of work for the author to produce it.

How do you think the change in the publishing industry affects authors today?

The trends of switching to publishing electronic books has been amazing. There are pro's and con's. Due to the large amount of self publishing markets there are floods of e-books, so the markets are very diverse and more competitive. On the other hand, e-books are better environmentally, since there are no trees cut down to produce paper.

If you could give a budding author advice what would it be?

Be friendly to other authors and publishers. Some of the best promotion I have learned has been from friends I have made online.

Can you recommend our readers a publisher that you would like to work with?

I would love to work with Little and Brown who published Stephanie Meyers Twilight series.

If you could be a famous author, who would it be and why? 

Shakespeare. His work will live on through the ages. The beauty of his work in Romeo and Juliette is haunting and unforgettable. That, now, is a legacy!

Tell us where we can find your book(s) and provide a link!

Thank you! My links and social media are below:

Social Media:

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