Monday, May 13, 2013

Today's Meet The Author: Diane Tegarden

Diane and I have been networking for many years online. She is extremely energetic, thoughtful and creative!
I am happy to have interviewed Diane, here is what she has to say about herself, writing and publishing today.

Thank you for taking time to answer my questions Diane - I'm looking forward to working with you again in the future!

Tell us about all about you…as the non- author first then about you as author.

My name is Diane Tegarden, a freelance writer living in Pasadena, with my husband and furkids.  My hobbies include: planting flowers, trees, vegetables and herbs (whatever I fancy for the season). I love to write letters and compose cards to friends and family, and do crossword puzzles to relax. My husband and I watch lots of movies; we have a large collection and are constantly adding to it.

I've been a print journalist since 1992, writing on a wide range of subjects including; renewable energy, environmental concerns, holistic health, women’s issues, and Native Spirituality. My work has been found in: The Pasadena Star News, Security Sales Magazine, The Pasadena Weekly, The Solar Flare, The Feral Forest, Earth Luvyrs Calendar, The Daily Sundial, the West Coast Well Being, Yahoo Content and Health Breakthroughs.

My publishing company, FireWalker Publications, was formed in 2004 to promote my passionate, original written works, ideas and creations. Since 2005, I’ve written for two online content producers, Yahoo Content and The 

In April 2004, I published my first book, “How to Escape a Bad Marriage– A Self Help Divorce Book For Women,” which provides step by step instructions on how to achieve financial and emotional independence in preparation for a divorce. 

I released my first poetry e-book, "Light Through Shuttered Window" in December 2007; it’s a compendium of my poetry about life, love and the creative process.

In February 2008 I completed my third book, “Anti-Vigilante and The Rips in Time”, a science fiction novel set in the distant future, involving Senselles,
MagicoMathematicians and the MOB. One of the scientific highlights features OTEC, a renewable energy that dynamically changes the face of the planet.

My second self help book “Budgeting on a Dime: 10 Steps to Financial Independence” was completed in October 2012, and is available both in paperback and ebooks formats.

How long have you been writing? 

I’ve been writing creatively all my life, and remember creating verses to cards for my family’s birthdays and holidays.
Professionally, I’ve been writing since 1992, writing for various newspapers and magazines.

What inspires you to write in the style that you do? (what genre do you write in? does it vary?)

I write in several genres, from newspapers and magazines, to blogs and online social media. I’ve also written, produced, published and promote four full length books; 2 self help books, a poetry collection and a full length science-fiction novel.

How many words per day do you like to write? Is that a daily goal or weekly goal?

When I’m writing a book, I write every day, but don’t set a word or page goal.

What is the name of your first book? How long ago was it printed? Where did you market it and did you have a good sale number?

My first book was titled “Getting Out of Limbo- A Self Help Divorce Book for Women”, which was released in 2004 and is now in its second printing with a new title “How to Escape a Bad Marriage: A Self Help Divorce Book for Women”. It’s for sale at, Barnes and, CreateSpace, available in libraries and is listed on the Ingram Book List so that brick and mortar bookstores can stock it.  Thus far it’s my best selling book.

How do you feel about online book reading? Do you have a book that you’ve written for a digital shelf like ibooks or kindle?

All my books are available as ebooks, because I want to give my readers as many options as possible to access my books.

Do you think it’s worth it to ask buyers to purchase a digital novel for the same amount of $ as a print novel?  

No, digital readers expect to pay less for their books, and as the cost of producing ebooks is less than print. I agree with that thinking.

How do you think the change in the publishing industry affects authors today?

Authors must now be more than just writers, they must be savvy about the marketing and distribution of their books and have a hand in the decision making process for their business as well as the creative process.

If you could give a budding author advice what would it be? Be prepared to be involved in the marketing of your book, and educate yourself on the process of producing your own books.

Can you recommend our readers a publisher that you like to work with? 

I publish my own books, so I’m not knowledgeable about using the big publishing houses.

If you could be a famous author, who would it be and why?

I want to BE the famous author in question! I dream about having one of my books on the New York Times Best Seller list!!

Tell us where we can find your book(s) and provide a link!

My new book “Budgeting on a Dime- 10 Steps to Financial Independence”, which was published October 2012 and is available on at:
or Barnes and at:

Thank you for including me in your article Kristine!

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